Senior Product Designer • DevX and Design Systems • MCR, UK 🐝

On 6 November 2018, I completed my training using the course "Design Sprint Masterclass" delivered by AJ&Smart and Jake Knapp, creator of the Design Sprint.

The masterlcass can be found here:

Later in 2020, I completed the additional module "running remote design sprints" that was released in response to the covid pandemic.

Chuck's certification in Design Sprint 2.0.

Key achievements

  • Certified Design Sprint 2.0 Facilitator
  • ‘Design Sprint: Manchester’ Meetup founder and organiser (300+ members before shutting down)
  • Five complete Sprints as combined Designer and Facilitator
  • My ‘Sprint Book’ is signed by Jake Knapp
  • Credited test reader of ‘Make Time’ by Jake Knapp
  • Gave a talk at UX Crunch (1,500+ members) about my Design Sprint experience (which is still the cover image to this day on
Innovation requires breaking the script; we can't keep using our existing methods and hoping for different results. Stop dreaming, and let's get cracking.
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